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Patient Journey

If you are seeking a treatment at Star Clinic, the first step would be to phone or email. Your enquiry will be answered by Martina Klimentova, the medical secretary.
Martina will be able to offer some initial information regarding the procedure you are wishing to have.
She will arrange a consultation appointment for you with Mr. Marando and send out an information pack for you to read through prior to your appointment.
Patient Journey
Your pre-treatment consultation with Mr. Marando will take around 50 minutes. You will be required to complete a medical questionnaire, containing information about your medical history, that Mr. Marando will talk through with you.
The procedure you wish to have will also be discussed and Mr. Marando will want to hear from you, your ideals, and what you are expecting to achieve. A physical examination will need to be carried out and Mr. Marando will, with your permission, take photographs of your area of concern in order to make an analysis, which he will do on the computer.

Any photographs taken will be kept in the strictest confidence. You may find it beneficial to see photographs of similar procedures to the one you are wishing to have, and Mr. Marando can show you these. Through this analysis, Mr. Marando will be able to make an informed decision to advise the best treatment option for you. He will explain in full, how the procedure will be performed, including how it will benefit you, the realistic results you can expect and what is required for successful recovery. It is also important that Mr. Marando ensures you are fully aware of all the possible risks and limitations that are involved, too.

You will be supplied with information regarding the treatment you are going to receive, to take home with you and read through at your own leisure. You will also be given a letter of summary, outlining the results of the consultation, along with copies of your photographs, and a conclusion of Mr. Marando’s findings and recommendations. You will be supplied with a quote for the procedure, breaking down the treatment and a signed consent form will need to be completed.

A cooling off period of 2 weeks will be respected before arranging an appointment for the treatment, in order to ensure you are 100% sure that you want to go ahead.

Post Consultation
After this period a post-consultation letter will be sent to you, and if you have made a firm decision then you will be required to contact Martina.
She will be able to check the availability, including the hospital or location you wish to attend, arranging a pre-anaesthetic assessment at your preferred location, as well as any necessary blood tests and MRSA swabs that may be needed in preparation for the treatment.

If you are wishing to undergo a surgical procedure it may be necessary to attend a second consultation. At this appointment any details regarding the procedure will be finalised and you have the opportunity to ask any remaining questions you might have.


On the day of treatment, Mr Marando will visit you in your room. He will go through all the important details one more time before the procedure commences.
The finer details of the procedure you are going to undertake will have already been outlined to you and an expert anaesthetist will administer the appropriate method of anaesthesia, previously discussed and decided at the pre-treatment consultation. Mr. Marando will then perform the procedure.

After the treatment you will be in recovery. When this has successfully completed, Mr. Marando and his team will assess you, ensuring the procedure has been successful. The type of treatment you have received will determine whether you will go home on the same day, or whether you will be required to spend one or two nights in the hospital for careful monitoring and observation.
Day of treatment
Before you are discharged, you will be provided with an appropriate course of follow-up medications and / or pain relief, along with important information regarding instructions for aftercare.


Martina will make sure you have arranged the necessary follow-up appointments before you leave the hospital. They will be dependent on the type of procedure you have had, but a typical plan of post-treatment assessments following surgery could be at: 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 1 year.
These will be with Mr. Marando, personally and will focus on monitoring your recovery and healing. Mr. Marando will also assess how the results are developing and talk with you about how you are feeling, ensuring the outcomes are satisfactory to both your physical and emotional expectations.


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Gallant House, Hope Square,
Altrincham, WA14 2YQ
© Star Clinic 2024, All rights reserved.
Designed and Built by Mangotree Creative
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Star Clinic, Gallant House, Hope Square, Altrincham, WA14 2RL
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