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Neck Lift Surgery Manchester


A Neck Lift uses surgical techniques to produce a lifted, smoother and in some cases, a slimmer, more youthful appearance to the neck.

The conditions we develop as we get older are often first visible on the face and neck, as wrinkles begin to appear and the skin starts to sag around the jawline.

At a glance

Expected results

Restoring a smoother, youthful look to the neck

Length of Surgery

2 - 3 hours


General or local anaesthetic and sedation


2 - 3 weeks

The process of ageing sees the skin start to naturally lose collagen and elastin from its structure, resulting in a lack of volume, firmness and support to the muscles under the skin’s surface. Weight gain can also result from the ageing process and a little extra fatty tissue that may collect under the chin, is less supported by the weakened skin structure and muscles, causing it to create a double chin, along with weight loss which may result in a hanging appearance that is commonly known as ‘turkey neck’.

A Neck lift works by removing excess fat and skin from around the jawline, to produce long-lasting youthful definition to the neck. With the aim of reducing the visible effects of ageing to the lower part of the face, a Neck lift can be performed alongside other procedures, in order to achieve full facial rejuvenation.

Discreet incisions will be made beneath the chin and behind the ears with the length of the incision being dependent on the type of procedure technique that will be used. These are:

  • Cervicoplasty – focussing on the removal of excess skin, the skin around the neck will be lifted and cut away. The skin will then be repositioned and stitched into place.
  • Platysmaplasty – achieving more dramatic results, this more extensive technique involves both tightening and re-sculpting the neck muscles, helping to remove neck bands once the skin has been pulled tight and stitched in place.

Maximum results can be achieved when both of these techniques are used and in addition to this, extra fatty tissue can be removed with Liposuction or by surgical extraction. Dissolvable stitches may be used and dressings will be applied.

As the ageing process affects everyone differently, a tailored approach will need to be taken to ensure the results are bespoke to you and the indications you present. A full and thorough consultation performed by Mr. Marando prior to arranging treatment will take a unique consideration of you as a whole, addressing your individual concerns and expected outcome.

Through this consultation, Mr. Marando will be able to determine which surgical approach will best suit your needs and whether additional procedures such as: brow lift, eyelid lift or other rejuvenating treatments could also be beneficial to the end result.

An appropriate method of anaesthesia will be chosen for you as the operation can be performed under either general anaesthetic, or by local anaesthetic with sedation.

In the few weeks following the operation it is important that aftercare advice is carefully considered and attention will need to be paid to ensure successful recovery and healing. It may be necessary for you to choose clothing that doesn’t wear too close around your neck, avoiding pulling items on over your head, and reducing swelling can be aided by sleeping in an elevated position.

Initial swelling and bruising may take a few weeks to settle, with up to 9 months seeing gradual development of the full results, when a younger appearance to the neck has been restored.

Follow up consultations will be arranged by Mr. Marando to monitor the progress of your healing, address any concerns and ensure you are happy with the end results.


Am I suitable for this treatment?

As a neck lift reduces the signs of ageing, a suitable candidate would be someone who is unhappy with the tired aged appearance that the neck area is taking on, including: excess fat around the chin and neck, jowls, and/ or wrinkles, loose skin and bands around the neck. The healing process is more successful in someone who is in good health and has a good structure to the skin. Smoking will impact on the bodies ability to heal, slowing it down.

How safe is this treatment?

The welfare of the patient is an important factor with surgical procedures such as this. Mr. Marando takes safety very seriously, ensuring he maintains high standards. He is a highly skilled surgeon who specialises in this field, and sees this procedure performed with increasing popularity.

Is it painful?

The operation is performed using the best choice of anaesthesia to suit you, which Mr. Marando will advise you on. In the weeks following the procedure you will be prescribed an appropriate course of pain relief, alleviating any discomfort to make the healing process more manageable.

Are there any side effects or risks?

The neck will be swollen for a few weeks after the procedure, accompanied by some bruising. Some more uncommon complications that can occur include: haematoma – especially at risk if you suffer from high blood pressure or take certain medications, infection, poor scarring and nerve damage.

Mr. Marando will ensure he has made you fully aware of all risks and possible complications during your pre-operative consultation.

How much downtime is usually needed?

The first two weeks after the operation should see you taking things very easy and time off work would be advised during this time. It is important to avoid strenuous activities, especially heavy lifting, and a period of 4 – 6 weeks should see you able to resume normal activity levels if you have been cautious.


Gallant House, Hope Square,
Altrincham, WA14 2YQ
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