Sagging or droopy breasts can be due to a number of reasons, including: ageing, fluctuations in weight and as an effect of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
As time goes by, the natural effects of ageing see a loss of elastin in the skin, causing lost laxity and strength in the skin’s structure, as well as gravity and weight fluctuations contributing to the lack of volume and shape to the breasts. Whilst the advice that ‘Breast it best’, is said to be the best way to feed a baby, breastfeeding can have an impact on the breasts and may also result in lost volume.
Also known as Breast Ptosis, sagging breasts can often adopt a position that’s unattractive to the affected person, with the nipple sitting lower down on the breast than considered to be ‘normal’.
The affected person can often feel unhappy with the appearance of their breasts, lacking in body-confidence, impacting on their general well-being and affecting personal relationships.