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Breast Uplift Manchester


Also known as Mastopexy, Breast uplift uses surgical techniques to lift the breasts, improving the shape, volume and position.

This treatment is intended as a cosmetic procedure to address sagging breasts and can also be effective in adjusting the size and position of the areola.

At a glance

Expected results

Improved shape, volume and breast position

Length of Surgery

Up to 2 hours


General anaesthetic


Up to 4 weeks

Breast uplift manchester patient

Sagging or droopy breasts can be due to a number of reasons, including: ageing, fluctuations in weight and as an effect of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

As time goes by, the natural effects of ageing see a loss of elastin in the skin, causing lost laxity and strength in the skin’s structure, as well as gravity and weight fluctuations contributing to the lack of volume and shape to the breasts. Whilst the advice that ‘Breast it best’, is said to be the best way to feed a baby, breastfeeding can have an impact on the breasts and may also result in lost volume.

Also known as Breast Ptosis, sagging breasts can often adopt a position that’s unattractive to the affected person, with the nipple sitting lower down on the breast than considered to be ‘normal’.

The affected person can often feel unhappy with the appearance of their breasts, lacking in body-confidence, impacting on their general well-being and affecting personal relationships.

Your physical indications will be assessed by Mr. Marando at a pre-treatment consultation, along with your reasons for seeking treatment and your expected outcomes. With this in mind, Mr. Marando will be able to construct a completely personalised plan that can aim to fulfil your individual expectations and restore your self-confidence.

The operation is carried out under general anaesthetic. Depending on the degree of sagging / ptosis, several techniques can be used, from Periareola (incision just around the areola) Vertical (incision around the areola and vertically down to the crease), or Inverted T (like the vertical technique combined with an incision in the breast crease). Through this incision Mr. Marando will be able to cut away any excess skin, re-model the breast tissue and alter the position of the nipple before closing and dressing the wounds. The volume of the breast is then lifted and secured in a more appropriate position, re-shaping the breast as an implant (Mastopexy with Auto-Implants).

Mr. Marando uses a surgical technique that considers minimal scarring, and they should not be noticeable, even with clothing that cuts low on the chest.

A breast enlargement can also be performed alongside this procedure, known as Mastopexy Augmentation, not only lifting the breasts but adding volume too.

A Mastopexy is usually performed as Day Surgery, but on occasions the patient is advised to spend one night in hospital. Your breasts will feel tender over the next couple of weeks with a degree of swelling and bruising. You will be given a course of painkillers to take during the sensitive period, that will help you to manage any discomfort and you should keep activity levels to a minimum. It may be necessary for you to keep away from driving during this time also, and wait for up to 12 weeks before resuming exercise programs.

The full results from this treatment should develop over the next 6 – 9 months, when lost confidence could be restored by more naturally shaped and lifted breasts that are considered more aesthetically pleasing.


Am I suitable for this treatment?

Someone who has lost volume in their breasts, causing them to sag, may be a suitable person for this treatment. A full and thorough assessment by Mr. Marando will determine your suitability and he will discuss all the options with you.

How safe is this breast uplift surgery?

This treatment is frequently carried out in many different practices all over the country. The procedure itself is performed by Mr. Marando who has extensive training and experience in this type of cosmetic surgery. Mr. Marando takes the welfare of his patients very seriously and considers safety procedures very carefully.

Is it breast surgery painful?

There will be some discomfort felt in the few weeks that follow this procedure. A general anaesthetic will be used when this procedure is performed and pain relief will be administered to help with managing your comfort levels during the initial period of recovery.

Are there any side effects or risks to a breast uplift?

After the treatment your breasts will be swollen and bruised for around 2 – 3 weeks, with the breasts adopting a higher position than expected. These effects will ease and highly positioned breasts will drop slightly when healing allows the skin to soften up. Occasionally patients experience some bleeding from the wounds or prolonged numbness.

Surgery can carry some other complications such as: haematoma, blood clots and poor scarring, but these are usually rare. Mr. Marando will ensure you are aware of all the risks associated with undergoing a surgical procedure.

How much downtime is usually needed?

The advised amount of downtime may be around 4 weeks, as the body recovers from the surgery and the wounds begin to heal. You may be recommended to take things easy and reduce your activity levels, with time off work and driving being necessary. It may require up to 12 weeks rest time before you can return to the gym and scarring will fade over the next 9 months or so.


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