Having made the decision to undergo breast surgery could have been one that has taken a lot of consideration and not necessarily so easy to make. Feelings of unhappiness and / or lack of self-confidence is often the reason for seeking this solution, anticipating that after the treatment has taken place it will improve the person’s well-being. However, in some cases the procedure has not successfully corrected the initial concerns, leaving the affected person feeling it has been a waste of time as they still feel the same way they did before, or even worse.
Thankfully, as time has gone on, many improvements have evolved and up to date techniques ensure the dissatisfaction from these procedures has greatly decreased. Surgeons that are approached with requests to perform corrective surgery to the breast, are more likely to find the surgery was performed some years ago (needs filling out).
There is no one type of procedure that Mr. Marando can say he will perform as each person will present with their own individual concern.