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Breast Corrective Surgery


This treatment can be used to revise the unsatisfactory outcomes from surgical procedures that have led to uneven or asymmetric breasts, including: breast augmentation, breast uplift, mastectomy surgery or breast reduction.

Due to an increase in recent years of people reporting feeling unhappy about the results from their breast surgery, this treatment is becoming requested more and more often.
It may be the case that in previous years a person has visited a different surgeon for a breast procedure and has found that the expected goals have not been fulfilled when the final result have developed. Patients have expressed having been left with breasts that are droopy or unbalanced, as well as experiencing conditions where the breast(s) are too bottom heavy or appear to be less separately defined.

At a glance

Expected results

Improved breast shape & size

Length of Surgery





4 + weeks

Having made the decision to undergo breast surgery could have been one that has taken a lot of consideration and not necessarily so easy to make. Feelings of unhappiness and / or lack of self-confidence is often the reason for seeking this solution, anticipating that after the treatment has taken place it will improve the person’s well-being. However, in some cases the procedure has not successfully corrected the initial concerns, leaving the affected person feeling it has been a waste of time as they still feel the same way they did before, or even worse.

Thankfully, as time has gone on, many improvements have evolved and up to date techniques ensure the dissatisfaction from these procedures has greatly decreased. Surgeons that are approached with requests to perform corrective surgery to the breast, are more likely to find the surgery was performed some years ago (needs filling out).

There is no one type of procedure that Mr. Marando can say he will perform as each person will present with their own individual concern.

Through arranging a consultation with Mr. Marando, he will be able to assess your condition and what you were hoping to achieve. As well as discussing the previous surgery, he will address issues surrounding old and new implants, scarring and the outcomes you will be able to achieve this time round. He can decide on the most effective treatment option for you, which he will fully explain. These might include one of the following options, or a combination:

  • Breast Augmentation
  • Implant replacement
  • Scar revision
  • Breast uplift
  • Nipple correction
  • Breast reconstruction

Each operation has its own surgical techniques and end results. The length of time in which the operation will take, will depend on the option that has been decided upon, as too will the type of anaesthesia that will be used and whether you will be treated as a day case or will need an overnight stay in hospital. Mr. Marando will fully inform you of all these details prior to the treatment.

Aftercare advice generally consists of a period of convalescence, time off work and driving as well as wearing a supportive bra. Once again, Mr. Marando will be able to discuss this with you before the procedure so you will know what to expect in the first few weeks after surgery. This is also true of the effects that the operation can produce, including the likelihood of swelling, bruising and scarring, along with less common complications, such as bleeding, infection, haematoma and blood clots.

After the procedure, Mr. Marando will ensure you receive follow up consultations to assess your progress regarding healing and recovery. He will be able to offer you any further advice you may require and address any concerns you may be feeling. The final results will develop gradually over a period of several months, and Mr. Marando will be there with you through your whole journey, ensuring you are finally happy with the results from having breast surgery.


Am I suitable for this treatment?

If you are dissatisfied with a previous surgical procedure for the breasts and you have concerns regarding uneven and asymmetrical breasts, then are a likely candidate for corrective surgery. A consultation with Mr. Marando will address your individual concerns and previously expected outcomes, as well as any psychological issues due to the previous discontentment.

How safe is Breast Corrective Surgery?

The type of procedure you will receive will depend on the condition you present with. Surgical breast procedures have increased in safety and patient satisfaction over the tears. Mr. Marando ensures the safety of his patients is of paramount importance and adopts the appropriate techniques to successfully fulfil this concern.

Is Breast Corrective Surgery painful?

As a returning patient to this type of surgery, you will be familiar with the discomfort that is felt after these procedures. An effective anaesthetic will be used during the operation and suitable pain relief will be administered for the few weeks that follow. Mr. Marando will discuss this with you prior to the treatment, depending on the treatment option that has been advised for you.

Does Breast Corrective Surgery carry any side effects or risks?

The type of procedure you will undergo may have specific side effects pertaining to that treatment. In general, surgical procedures for the breast incur some swelling and bruising that can last for up to a few weeks post treatment. As with all types of surgery there are common and uncommon risks, some of which can include bleeding, poor scarring, blood clots and delayed healing. Mr. Marando will be best placed to inform you, prior to surgery, about any risks involved and anything that is specific to the treatment you are going to receive.

Is there any downtime associated with corrective surgery?

There is usually a certain amount of downtime that goes with having a surgical procedure, but there can be slight variations regarding timescales with different aspects including time off work, refraining from driving and when it is advisable to return to exercise, all of which are things that need consideration. The advice you are given is to enable a successful recovery and increase the chance of a satisfactory outcome. Mr. Marando will be able to offer you the best advice in accordance with the procedure type you will undergo.


Gallant House, Hope Square,
Altrincham, WA14 2YQ
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